Welcome to a page that is a true treasure trove of information, providing you with answers to the most frequently asked questions about fitness, while also adding sparks of motivation and inspiration for your active lifestyle.

Have you ever wondered where to even begin your fitness journey? Or perhaps you need advice on effective workouts, meal planning, or overcoming mental barriers?

Regardless of your fitness level, the answers to popular questions in this industry below will prove to be incredibly valuable in your pursuit of better health, fitness, and well-being.

My mission is to provide you with factual information and offer support and motivation so you can push boundaries and achieve your goals, without any nonsense or unnecessary confusion.

Let’s get started!

How to effectively lose weight?

Effective weight loss is a combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity. Focus on a balanced nutrition plan rich in vegetables, fruits, protein, and healthy fats. Avoid processed and high-calorie foods. Introduce a moderate calorie deficit, avoiding drastic or fad diets.

Calorie calculator

Exercise regularly, combining cardio with strength training. It’s also important to prioritize quality sleep and reduce stress. Remember that weight loss takes time and patience. Change your lifestyle, not just short-term habits, to achieve lasting results.

For a more detailed and nuanced discussion of effective weight loss, including the role of mindset and the right mental approach, have a look at the following posts:

How to start losing weight

Common mistakes made on a weight loss diet

Why can’t I lose weight?

How to improve cardiovascular endurance?

To improve cardiovascular endurance, it’s best to focus on regular cardio exercises such as running, swimming, cycling, or aerobics. Depending on your fitness level, you can also consider activities like boxing or simply walking.

Incorporate interval training, alternating between high and low-intensity efforts. It’s an excellent way to strengthen the heart. Also, prioritize consistency in your workouts – even short sessions a few times a week can be beneficial.

Enhance your diet with healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption. Maintain a healthy weight and manage stress levels. Patience and regularity are the keys to success!

What is the best diet for weight loss?

There is no one-size-fits-all best diet for weight loss because each individual’s body is slightly different. The key is to have a conscious, balanced, and personalized approach to nutrition. Focus on reducing calories while eating more vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and healthy fats. Limit the consumption of processed and high-calorie foods.

You can consider different approaches, such as a low-carbohydrate diet (which has worked well for me), low-fat diet, or a diet with a low glycemic index. It’s also important to avoid drastic restrictions to ensure that the diet is sustainable and healthy. If you’re interested, you can contact me to schedule a consultation.

The only diet that works

How many calories should you eat to achieve your fitness goals?

Determining the appropriate number of calories depends primarily on your goal, activity level, and individual body characteristics. Generally, for weight loss, maintain a moderate calorie deficit by consuming slightly fewer calories than you burn. Muscle building may require a slight calorie surplus. To maintain weight, balance your calorie intake with the calories burned through physical activity.

You can calculate more accurate values using a calorie calculator or by consulting with a dietitian who will assess your goals and needs. Aim for a healthy and sustainable approach, avoiding extreme calorie restrictions.

How to build muscle mass?

To build muscle mass, you need to focus on several key aspects. First and foremost, regular strength training is essential. Work out your entire body, targeting different muscle groups. Use progressive overload, gradually increasing weights and the number of repetitions/sets to continuously stimulate muscle growth.

A proper diet rich in protein, which provides essential amino acids for muscle building, is absolutely crucial. Eat healthy sources of protein such as poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, and dairy products. Supplements like protein shakes can also be a safe and effective addition to your diet.

Remember about recovery and sleep – that’s when, not during the training, muscles actually regenerate and grow. Avoid overtraining by giving your body time to rest.

Iron consistency, determination, and patience are key. Building muscle mass is a process that requires time and dedication, but the results will be worth it!

You can learn more about how to build an impressive physique in the following posts:

How to start and effectively build a great physique

How to succeed in the gym

Fitness hacks

Training tips

What are the benefits of strength training?

Strength training offers many benefits for health and overall well-being. Here are a few of the most important ones:

1. Increased muscle mass: Regular strength training leads to muscle growth, which improves physique.

2. Increased strength and endurance: Building muscles enhances physical strength and allows for longer and more effective performance of daily activities.

3. Improved metabolism: Greater muscle mass contributes to an increased metabolic rate, making it easier to control weight and reduce body fat.

4. Bone health support: Training at the gym strengthens the skeleton and helps prevent bone loss, which is especially important as we age.

5. Improved posture and stability: Strength training makes core muscles stronger, positively impacting posture and spinal stability.

6. Reduced risk of diseases: Physical activity, including strength training, helps reduce the risk of many diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes.

7. Enhanced well-being: Strength training releases endorphins, which improve mood and reduce stress. The feeling after a good workout is amazing and unique.

How to stay motivated for regular exercise?

Maintaining motivation for regular exercise can be challenging, but here are a few ways that can help you stick to a program.

1. Set a goal: Define a clear and specific goal you want to achieve through your workouts. It could be improving fitness, losing weight, gaining muscle mass, or preparing for a sports competition.

2. Create a plan: Establish a regular workout schedule and stick to it. Choose days and times that are convenient for you and treat your exercise sessions as committed appointments with yourself.

3. Find inner motivation: Think about the benefits that exercise brings to your health, well-being, and appearance. Find joy in the physical activity itself and the sense of achieving your goal.

4. Collaborate with others: Exercise in a group, join a fitness club, or find a workout buddy. Shared motivation and support can be incredibly inspiring.

5. Embrace variety and fun: Experiment with different forms of exercise to avoid getting bored with the routine. Find activities that bring you joy and add an element of fun.

6. Track your progress: Keep a record of your results and monitor your progress. It’s an extra motivation when you see yourself reaching goals and constantly evolving.

7. Be compassionate towards yourself: Understand that there may be days when motivation is lacking. It’s essential not to get discouraged but to get back on track and continue pursuing your goals.

Remember that motivation can fluctuate, but it’s crucial to keep the fire burning. Take care of your health and well-being by consistently engaging in structured physical activity.

Is cardio or strength training better for weight loss?

Both types of training – cardio and strength training – can be effective in the weight loss process, but a lot depends on individual preferences and goals. It’s also crucial to make sure that these activities are combined with a proper diet.

Cardio, or aerobic training, burns calories, contributing to faster weight loss. Activities like running, swimming, cycling, or aerobic exercises help increase the energy expenditure necessary to create a calorie deficit.

Strength training can also be a significant part of weight loss. Increased muscle mass boosts metabolism, leading to the burning of more calories even at rest.

The best approach is to combine both types of training. Cardio can be utilized for calorie burning and improved endurance, while strength training helps increase muscle mass and accelerate metabolism. This combination allows for comprehensive results and maintains a healthy balance between fat burning and muscle building.

Remember that it’s essential to adjust workouts to your capabilities and preferences while finding enjoyment in them. Consistency, exercise variety, and a balanced diet are key to sustainable weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

What are effective training plans for beginners?

For beginners, it’s essential to start slow with a training plan adjusted to their abilities. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Full-body workout program: Focus on workouts that engage all muscle groups during a single session. Try circuit training or functional training, which allows exercising multiple muscles simultaneously.

2. 2-3 days of training per week: Begin with 2-3 training sessions per week to build a habit and allow your body time for recovery. Beginners should avoid intense daily training.

3. Prioritize technique: Learning proper exercise techniques is crucial to avoid injuries. Consider working with a coach or join fitness classes where instructors can guide and correct you.

4. Progress gradually: Increase intensity and load slowly, allowing your body time to adapt to the training.

5. Warm-up and cool-down: Don’t forget to warm up before the workout and cool down afterward to minimize the risk of injuries.

6. Diversify your training: Introduce variety into your workouts to avoid boredom and engage different muscle groups.

7. Add aerobic activity: Include cardio exercises in your training plan as well. It can be running, walking, or cycling.

Remember that consistency and patience are key. In the beginning, focus on executing exercises correctly and set realistic goals. With time, you’ll be able to adjust your training plans according to your needs and progress in line with your fitness goals.

30-minute workout

How to prevent injuries and recover from them?

Preventing injuries and proper recovery are crucial for maintaining an active lifestyle. Here are a few tips:

Preventing injuries:

1. Warm-up: Always warm up your muscles before exercise to increase flexibility and prepare your body for the intensity of the workout.

2. Technique: Learning the correct exercise technique is essential to avoid excessive and/or improper joint loading.

3. Gradual progression: Introduce changes in intensity and loads gradually to allow your body time to adapt.

4. Rest: Give your body time to recover. Remember that rest is no less important than physical activity itself.

5. Proper equipment: Ensure you use appropriate and well-fitted sports equipment to reduce the risk of injuries.

Recovering from injuries:

1. Medical consultation: In the case of serious injuries, always consult a doctor. They will diagnose the problem and plan suitable therapy.

2. Physiotherapy: Regular physiotherapy sessions will aid in rehabilitation and restoring full functionality.

3. Patience: Allow your body time to heal. Avoid pushing yourself too hard and respect your limitations.

4. Follow recommendations: Adhere to the advice given by your doctor and physiotherapist regarding training and rehabilitation.

5. Avoid repeat injuries: After returning to physical activity, be cautious and avoid repeating the same mistakes that caused the injury.

What are the most effective methods for reducing body fat?

The most effective way to reduce body fat is a combination of a proper diet, regular physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle. Here are some key points:

1. Diet: Focus on a balanced eating plan that includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, fast food, and sugary beverages.

2. Moderate calorie deficit: Introduce a small calorie deficit, consuming fewer calories than you burn, to encourage the body to use stored fat as an energy source.

3. Cardio and strength training: Cardio exercises (like running, cycling, aerobics) help burn calories, while strength training builds muscles and increases metabolism, leading to fat burning.

4. Consistency and diversified workouts: Exercise regularly and incorporate various activities to maintain motivation and engage different muscle groups.

5. Tracking progress: Record your results, monitor your progress, and adjust your training and nutrition plan accordingly.

6. Supporting recovery: Prioritize quality sleep and reduce stress to facilitate proper body regeneration.

7. Patience and realistic goals: Fat reduction is a gradual process that takes time. Set realistic goals and maintain a healthy approach to weight loss.

Remember that each individual is slightly different, so what works for one person may not work as effectively for another. The most important thing is to choose a plan that you can sustain in the long term. Consulting with a dietitian or trainer can help tailor the plan to individual needs.

How long should you exercise each day?

The duration of daily exercise can vary depending on your goals, fitness level, physical condition, and time availability. Generally, it is recommended for healthy adults to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week. You can also combine moderate and vigorous activities to achieve your goals.

Additionally, it is recommended to perform muscle-strengthening exercises at least 2-3 times a week. It’s beneficial to target different muscle groups to maintain a balanced development of strength and prevent imbalances in your physique.

Don’t forget about rest days, which are equally important for muscle recovery and to avoid overtraining.

If you are just starting your fitness journey, begin with shorter workout sessions and gradually increase the time and intensity as your fitness improves. The key is to find a plan that suits your abilities and goals and to maintain consistency, which is crucial for long-term results.

How to reduce belly fat?

Reducing belly fat requires a balanced approach, which includes both a proper diet and regular physical activity. Here are some tips:

1. Healthy diet: Focus on a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. Limit the consumption of processed foods, sugary beverages, and high-calorie snacks.

2. Avoid calorie surplus: Your body will burn fat if you consume fewer calories than you burn. Create a slight calorie deficit, but avoid drastic restrictions, so you can maintain the diet for an extended period.

3. Cardio training: Add regular cardio sessions to your workout plan, such as running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, or even walking. They will help burn calories and reduce fat tissue.

4. Strength training: Incorporate strength training to increase muscle mass. More muscle tissue can boost metabolism and help burn fat, including belly fat.

5. Avoid stress: High levels of stress (cortisol) can contribute to fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or outdoor walks.

6. Recovery and sleep: Ensure you get enough sleep to allow your body to properly recover and function effectively.

Remember, reducing belly fat takes time and commitment. Don’t expect quick results and avoid extreme diets that can be unhealthy. Choose a healthy and sustainable approach to diet and exercise, and the results will gradually become visible. Consulting with a dietitian or trainer can help tailor a plan to your individual needs.

What are the best stretching exercises?

The best stretching exercises are those that provide flexibility and improve the range of motion in various parts of the body. Here are a few effective suggestions:

1. Yoga: Perform various yoga poses such as “Plank,” “Downward Dog,” or “Happy Baby.” They help stretch the muscles throughout the body.

2. Lunges: Take a step forward and bend the knee to a 90-degree angle, hold the position for a few seconds, then switch legs. This is an effective stretch for the muscles of the legs and hips.

3. Calf stretch: Stand next to a wall, place your hand on it, and pull one leg towards you, feeling the stretch in the calf. Then switch legs.

4. Hip flexor stretch: Sit on the floor with legs straight, bend one leg and place it on the outside of the knee of the other leg, then twist your torso towards the raised leg.

5. Shoulder stretch: Pull one arm across your body to the opposite side, and place the other hand on the elbow of the stretched arm, gently pressing to feel the shoulder stretch.

6. Back stretch: Lie on your back, pull one knee towards your chest, and keep the other leg straight on the floor. Switch legs to stretch both sides of your back.

7. Neck stretch: Gently tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear towards your shoulder, feeling the stretch in the neck and shoulder muscles. Then switch sides.

Remember to perform stretching exercises gently and smoothly, avoiding sudden movements. Stretching should be painless and relaxed. Regularly doing these exercises will help improve muscle flexibility, reduce tension, and enhance the range of motion, which is especially important for maintaining a healthy and agile body.

Can you build muscles without gaining weight?

Yes, building muscles without a significant increase in body weight is possible, especially for individuals who tend to have a lower body weight already or do not want to increase it noticeably.

To achieve this effect, it is essential to focus on strength training that aims for increasing muscle strength and volume without using a large calorie surplus that would lead to an overall increase in body weight through fat. A properly balanced nutrition plan that provides an adequate amount of protein will also be crucial in the muscle-building process that doesn’t involve increasing total body weight.

Every individual’s body is slightly different, so results may vary, but it is possible to gain muscle mass without a significant increase in overall body weight through the right approach to training and nutrition. If you are interested in this approach, it is worth consulting with a coach or dietitian to tailor a plan to your specific goals and needs.

Bulk, cut, or recomp?

What are the benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has many advantages that contribute to its popularity and effectiveness. Here are some of the main benefits of this type of training:

1. Time efficiency: HIIT workouts are shorter compared to traditional cardio workouts because they focus on intense periods of effort followed by short periods of rest. This allows for an effective workout in a shorter amount of time.

2. Calorie burning: The intense bursts of effort during HIIT lead to increased calorie burning in a relatively short time. It is an effective way to reduce body fat.

3. Improved aerobic performance: Regular HIIT workouts improve the body’s aerobic capacity, allowing for better adaptation to physical exertion.

4. Increased metabolism: Intense HIIT training boosts the metabolism even after the workout is completed, leading to continued calorie burning during the post-workout period.

5. No need for equipment: HIIT workouts can be done without specialized equipment. They can be performed at the gym, at home, or outdoors.

6. Adaptability to various fitness levels: HIIT exercises can be modified to suit different fitness levels, making them accessible to a broader range of individuals.

7. Improved heart health: Regular HIIT training has a positive impact on heart health and cardiovascular system.

It’s essential to remember that HIIT workouts are highly intense and can be demanding on the body. For beginners, it is recommended to start with gentler forms of physical activity and gradually incorporate HIIT training to avoid the risk of injuries and overtraining. Consulting with a trainer or fitness expert can help tailor HIIT workouts to individual abilities and goals.

What to eat before and after exercise?

Choosing the right meals before and after exercise is crucial for optimal performance and muscle recovery. Here are some guidelines for pre and post-workout meals:

Before the workout:

Carbohydrates: Consume light and easily digestible carbohydrates that will provide energy for your exercise. This can include items like bananas, oatmeal, and whole-grain bread.

Protein: Including protein in your pre-workout meal will help protect your muscles from breakdown. You can have eggs, lean meats, or cottage cheese, for example.

Avoid heavy meals: Eat lighter meals to avoid feeling weighed down during exercise.

Avoid fatty foods: Steer clear of fatty meals as they can slow down digestion and cause discomfort during physical activity.

After the workout:

Protein: After exercising, it’s important to provide your body with an adequate amount of protein to aid in muscle recovery and rebuilding. Good sources of protein include chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, cheese, as well as plant-based sources like beans, lentils, or tofu.

Carbohydrates: Consuming carbohydrates after a workout will help replenish glycogen stores in the muscles and restore blood sugar levels. Consider fruits, granola bars, and whole-grain bread.

Potassium: Replenishing electrolytes like potassium is essential after an intense workout. Bananas are a good source of potassium.

Hydration: It is important to stay hydrated during and after the workout, so make sure to drink plenty of water.

Remember that nutritional needs may vary depending on individual training goals and dietary preferences. Consult with a dietitian or nutrition specialist to tailor your diet to your specific needs.

How to improve your posture?

Improving your posture is important for spinal health, avoiding back pain, and overall well-being. Here are some tips that can help improve your posture:

1. Body awareness: Pay attention to your posture and consciously work on maintaining a correct alignment. Try to maintain the natural curves of your spine.

2. Find the right sitting position: When sitting at work or home, try to keep your back straight, feet flat on the floor, and knees at hip level. Avoid slouching.

3. Ergonomic workspace: Make sure your workspace (desk, chair) is properly adjusted to your posture to avoid improper body alignment while working.

4. Back and core strengthening exercises: Regular strength training for the back and core muscles will help maintain spinal stability and improve posture.

5. Muscle stretching: Stretching the chest, back, shoulder, and neck muscles can help relax tight muscles that may affect posture.

6. Pilates or yoga: Pilates and yoga exercises can improve flexibility, balance, and body control, positively impacting your posture.

7. Footwear: Choose shoes that provide adequate support for your feet and spine.

8. Take regular breaks: If you spend most of your time sitting, try to take regular breaks to stand up, stretch your muscles, and move around.

9. Pay attention to backpack usage: If you use a backpack, make sure it is properly fitted and does not strain one side of your back.

Remember that improving posture takes time, consistency, and body awareness. Regularly practicing healthy posture habits will help prevent spinal issues and maintain a healthy and upright posture. It’s also worth consulting with a physiotherapist or fitness specialist for personalized advice and exercises tailored to your posture.

What are the risks and benefits of dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements can bring tangible benefits, but they are also associated with certain risks. Here is an overview of potential benefits and associated hazards.


1. Nutrient supplementation: Dietary supplements can help fill nutrient gaps in the body, especially for individuals with specific dietary requirements, such as vegetarians or those with food restrictions due to allergies.

2. Supporting health: Some supplements may support cardiovascular, immune, bone, joint health, etc. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting supplementation.

3. Enhancing workout results: Certain supplements like protein, creatine, or beta-alanine may aid muscle development and improve performance during workouts.

4. Supporting a healthy lifestyle: In some cases where it is challenging to obtain all necessary nutrients from the diet, supplements can assist in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


1. Excessive supplementation: Overconsumption of certain nutrients can lead to toxicity and harmful side effects. It is important to avoid exceeding the recommended doses of supplements.

2. Drug interactions: Some supplements may interfere with the action of certain medications or interact with other supplements, leading to health issues.

3. Limited regulation: Some dietary supplements may not be adequately regulated by health authorities, leading to low-quality products.

4. Limited effectiveness: Some supplements may not deliver the promised results or work effectively only when combined with proper diet and physical activity.

In summary, dietary supplements can be beneficial in many cases, but it is recommended to consult with a doctor or dietitian before taking them. It is important to have proper knowledge about supplements, choose trusted brands, and follow recommended dosages. Investing in a healthy and balanced diet based on fresh, natural, and diverse foods is always a better approach, with supplements considered as a complement to a healthy lifestyle.

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