The willingness to improve your physique and go to the gym means a lot. In many cases, it takes genuine courage to step far beyond your comfort zone. Initially, doing anything is enough to see the first results, but such a strategy will quickly become ineffective. To maximize your results at the gym, you should know what to avoid. Here are common mistakes made at the gym that hinder your progress.

Whey protein, often referred to simply as protein, is probably the most popular supplement among gym-goers. Anyone who starts pumping iron knows that they must drink a protein shake immediately after their workout. But is it really necessary? Is it worth drinking protein? Honestly, I’m surprised that I’m only now addressing this topic, but better late than never. I invite you to read on and hope to dispel your doubts.

Training tips cover a wide range of topics, including the exercises themselves – which and how to perform them, as well as the approach to training – mental attitude and motivation. I believe that separating the mental and physical aspects in the gym is a mistake, so I will touch on both to help you get more out of your workouts and achieve better results.

If you’re wondering what the best gym in Poznan is, I have some great news for you. When I changed jobs in July 2022, I knew right away that the Multisport card would be a benefit I would want to use as soon as possible. In my mind, I had an incredibly exciting vision of visiting all the participating gyms in the city. At the same time, I came up with the idea of reviewing them to find out for myself, but also to inform anyone interested in the subject about what the best gym in Poznan is.

People seem to have a natural tendency to exert control over their surroundings. Initially, taming nature was absolutely necessary to survive until the next sunrise. Over time, however, the desire for control began to extend to other people, which can create a number of problems. Control, in the broader sense of the word, is therefore both necessary and dangerous. In the context of fitness, however, control over one’s own body is a positive phenomenon, which I will try to convince you of in this post.

Everyone who starts their fitness or bodybuilding journey has some idea about the effects of training, but seems to know little about the very process of working on their physique. As a result, they become fixated on the distant goal and see the path leading to it as an unpleasant necessity that they would prefer to skip. Well, let me tell you something. If you want to be successful at the gym, don’t focus too much on the results and instead start loving the process!

Beginnings can be difficult, in anything. Rarely is the moment to start something new ideal. There’s no point in trying to prepare endlessly, sooner or later you have to take the step. If you want to start at the gym but don’t know how, I encourage you to read this post. I discuss a number of key issues you will have to deal with in the initial stages of your fitness journey. Be warned though, this is also your last chance for excuses!